Drain choke floor trap Repair

A drain choke/floor trap choke is a common plumbing issue In Singapore. A blockage in the drainage system leads to water backing up and overflowing, causing unpleasant odors and potential water damage.  These blockages are caused by various factors, such as the accumulation of hair, soap scum, food particles, or foreign objects that have been accidentally dropped down the drain. Homeowners and building managers should regularly maintain and clean their drains to prevent these clogs or seek a professional plumber‘s assistance if a blockage occurs.

Drainage / Floor Trap Choke – What Is It?

Drainage is the process of removing excess water from an area through a system of pipes and channels. A floor trap choke occurs when a blockage in the drainage system prevents water from flowing down the floor trap, causing water to back up.

Causes Of A Choked Floor Trap

There are many causes of a choked floor trap. A clogged floor trap results in drainage problems, unpleasant smells, and potential harm to plumbing. Therefore, it’s essential to grasp the typical reasons for these blockages to maintain your system effectively and avoid such issues. 
  1. Debris buildup: Over time, hair, soap scum, dirt, and other debris can accumulate in the floor trap, causing a blockage and preventing proper drainage.
  2. Foreign objects: Items such as toys, small objects, or even jewelry may accidentally fall into the drain and get stuck in the floor trap, obstructing the water flow.
  3. Corroded or damaged trap: The floor trap is rusted, cracked, or damaged due to age or improper installation, leading to a clogged or ineffective trap.
  4. Inadequate water flow: If not enough water flows through the drain regularly, the water in the floor trap evaporates, allowing sewer gases to enter the room and causing a dry trap that cannot effectively prevent odors and backflow.
  5. Improper installation: If the floor trap is not installed correctly or pitched properly, it does not function as intended, causing water to back up and eventually lead to a clogged trap.
  6. Tree roots: Sometimes, tree roots can grow into the drainage pipes and obstruct the floor trap, resulting in a blockage.
  7. Collapsed or broken drain lines: If the drain lines leading to the floor trap are damaged, collapsed, or broken, it prevents proper drainage and causes a clogged trap.

How To Fix A Choked Floor Trap

How To Fix A Choked Floor Trap It is crucial to determine the underlying cause. and take appropriate measures, such as clearing debris, replacing damaged traps, and ensuring proper water flow. You also address external factors like tree roots or broken drain lines, which are a few main methods to fix a choked or clogged floor drain trap.

1. Plunger:

  •  Fill the drain with water to cover the trap. Use a cup plunger that seals tightly over the drain opening. 
  •  Apply force! Push the plunger straight into the drain, then quickly pull it up to break the seal. Repeat this rapid up-and-down plunging motion vigorously about 15-20 times.
  • Put muscle into it. The powerful plunging creates suction that can dislodge clogs stuck in the curved trap area. Use a plumber’s snake or auger if the drain still doesn’t clear after several minutes of hard plunging.

2. Homemade de-clogger:

  • Make a baking soda and vinegar mixture. Pour 1/2 cup baking soda down the drain, then 1/2 cup vinegar. Let it fizz for 5-10 minutes.
  • Boil a pot of water. To help clear the blockage, slowly pour the boiling water down the drain.
  • Use a plunger. After the baking soda, vinegar, and hot water treatment, try vigorously plunging the drain 10-15 times to help dislodge any remaining blockage.

3. Commercial de-clogger:

  • Buy a drain cleaner product containing sodium hydroxide or sulfuric acid. Read and follow all safety instructions carefully.
  • Pour the recommended amount of drain cleaner slowly into the drain opening. Allow it to sit for the specified time to work on dissolving the clog.
  • Flush the drain with hot water to help clear out dissolved debris and remaining product.
  • If the drain is still clogged, try plunging vigorously or use a plumber’s snake to break up the blockage physically.

4. Plumbing snake:

  • Insert the flexible metal snake into the drain opening.
  • Crank or push the snake down the drain to reach the trapped area.
  • Twist and make the snake break through any clogs.
  • Retract the snake, hopefully pulling out hair, gunk, or debris causing the blockage.

5. Engage a professional plumber:

Call a professional plumber. They have specialized tools and expertise. The plumber will inspect the drain, diagnose the clog issue, and determine the best method to clear it, like snaking, hydro-jetting, or mechanically disassembling the trap. Let them do the dirty work safely and effectively. Their techniques and equipment give the best chance of fully resolving tricky drain clogs.

Preventing Drain Choke / Floor Trap Choke

Here are some tips to keep your floor drain from clogging. These steps help your plumbing work well and avoid a blocked floor drain.

1. Clean the floor trap regularly

Frequently remove the U-shaped trap under the drain. Use a brush to scrub hair, gunk, and debris that builds up inside. Put the clean trap back in place. Regular cleaning prevents clogs.

2. Avoid pouring oil down the floor trap.

Pouring cooking oil, grease, or fatty liquids down the floor drain should be avoided. These can solidify and accumulate in the trap, causing blockages over time. Keep oils and greasy substances out of floor drains to prevent clogs.

3. Avoid disposing of debris and foreign objects in the floor trap

Do not put trash, hair, food scraps, or other foreign objects down the floor drain. They can cause clogs inside the trap.

4. Install waste catchers

Place covers or screens over floor drain openings. These drain catchers or strainers trap food particles, hair, and other debris before they go down the drain and clog the trap.


How do you clear a floor drain trap? To clear a blocked floor drain trap, remove the trap, clean out debris using a brush or snake, and then reinstall the clean trap. How do you unblock a trap pipe? First, remove the U-shaped trap underneath the drain to unblock a clogged trap pipe. Use a plumber’s snake, wire, or brush to physically clear out any debris obstructing the trap. Then, reinstall the clean trap

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